First Prize: Moses Wambua (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Kenya)
A game theoretic model and solution for the Malindi Ungwana Bay Penaeid conflict
Honourable Mention: Hiva Asadikia (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran), with Seyed Habibollah Mosavi (Tarbiat Modares University), Solmaz Rezaeiardebili (University of Tehran), Trond Bjorndal (NHH), Michael R. Reed (University of Kentucky), Sadegh Khalilian (Tarbiat Modares University), and Hamed Najafi Alamdarlo (Tarbiat Modares University)
Economic efficiency evaluation of two-level supply chain of rainbow trout in Iran: A focus on use of imported and domestic trout eggs
First Prize: Amanda Rodrigues (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), with Maria Gasalla (University of Sao Paulo), and Patrízia Raggi Abdallah (University of Rio Grande)
Implication of the financial performance of open-access industrial fishing fleets off south Brazil and the subsidies policy
First Prize: Ying Wang (Zhejiang Sci-tech University, China), with Jianfeng Hu, Haoran Pan, Shiyu Li, and Pierre Failler
An integrated model for marine fishery management in the Pearl River Estuary: Linking socio-economic systems and ecosystems
Second Prize: Le Van Thap (Nha Trang University, Vietnam), with Le Kim Long and Nguyen Trong Hoai
Analysis of technical efficiency of intensive white-leg shrimp farming in Ninh Thuan, Vietnam: An application of the double-bootstrap data envelopment analysis
First Prize: Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan (Bangladesh Agricultural University), with Atle Guttormsen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), and Md. Ferdous Alam (American International University of Bangladesh)
Capacity and factors affecting capacity utilization of marine fisheries: A case of gillnet fleet in the Bay of Bengal
Second Prize: Yugawendra Kasivisuvanathan (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka), with M.D.S.T. de Croos (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)
Present status of mangroves in Mandaitivu, Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Honourable Mention: Muhamad Suhendar (Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia)
Cost benefit analysis of Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) in Indonesia for managing the transition to sustainable and responsible fisheries
First Prize: Viet Nguyen Thanh (University of Southern Denmark/VNU University of Economics and Business)
The sustainable management of the shrimp trawl fishery in Tonkin Gulf, Vietnam
Second Prize: Lilian Ibengwe (Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries, Tanzania)
Reducing post-harvest losses of the Artisanal Dagaa (Rastrineobola Argentea) fishery in Lake Victoria Tanzania: A cost and benefit analysis
First Prize: Sebastian Villasante (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Estimating the economic benefits of cooperative and non-cooperative management of Illex argentinas fishery in the Patagonian marine ecosystem
Second Prize: Djiga Thiao (Centre de Recherches Ocèanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye, Sènègal), with Francis Laloe (Institut de Recherche pour le Dèveloppement, France)
A system of indicators to understand the socioeconomic and ecological interactions and manage the fisheries sustainability
Honourable Mention: Carmen Pedroza (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Organizational strategies in the seafood supply chain of Yucatan, Mexico
First Prize: Arif Satria (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
Revival of local knowledge and myth in fisheries management in Indonesia
Second Prize: Hien Thi Tran (Viet Nam Fisheries College, Vietnam), with Kim Anh Nguyen Thi (Nha Trang University), and Liz Petersen (Advanced Choice Economics Pty Ltd, Australia)
International fish trade and fish product security in Viet Nam
First Prize: Ramchandran C. Nair (Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, India)
Teaching to fish or learning not to finish? Reinvesting a responsible marine fisheries extension system in India
Second Prize: Dewi Syahidah (Research Institute for Mariculture, Indonesia)
Milkfish (Chanos chanos) fry production in Gerokgak District, North of Bali Indonesia: A geography-economic aspect
First Prize: Nguyen Thi Kim Anh (University of Fisheries, Vietnam),
Marine fisheries in Vietnam
Second Prize: Kungwan Juntarashote (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
Decentralized management: The new approach of Thai coastal fishery management
Third Prize: Monir Hossain (Hokkaido University, Japan), with Md. Aminul Islam (Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh), Stephen Ridgway (University of Hull, UK), and Takashi Matsuishi (Hokkaido University)
Community based fisheries management as the future fisheries management option for small-scale fisheries of Bangladesh
Fourth Prize: Nazmul Alam (Caritas Fisheries Program, Bangladesh), with Anwara Begun, and Md. Alamgir (Caritas Fisheries Program)
Management strategies in a capture fishery: Experience under community based fisheries approach