The IIFET Best Student Paper Award consists of cash/check for USD $500 plus participant support of up to USD $2,000 and free student conference registration. The $500 award and an award certificate will be given at an award ceremony during the opening plenary session of the conference, to be held 15-19 July 2024 in Penang, Malaysia. The award and participant support are sponsored by the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries.
To be eligible to compete for the IIFET Best Student Paper Award, you must:
Papers may be submitted from 24 January to 15 March 2024. Papers must be submitted by email to [email protected] following the guidelines below.
Your paper must be submitted in the format described here: IIFET 2024 PENANG BEST PAPER AWARD FORMATTING RULES. In order to ensure a fair and “blind” review, please send two (2) separate pdf files as described below.
I attest to the fact that {student’s name} is currently a student at {name of department and University}, or graduated after 1 March 2023, and that {student’s name} is the primary author of the paper {title of paper}. "Primary author" means that {student’s name} is primarily responsible for the intellectual work in the paper, and that the paper reflects his/her own research, analysis, and writing.
Please do not submit a paper for consideration unless your abstract has been accepted for ORAL presentation. We will only review papers that are formatted in accordance with Best Student Paper formatting guidelines. Papers which do not meet the requirements, especially in terms of length, will not be relayed to the committee for review. If you have questions, please consult with [email protected] well before the submission deadline.
The file described in item 2 above will be transferred to the Chair of the Best Student Paper Selection Committee, for a double-blind review process. The award winner will be selected by approximately 15 April 2024; the results will be shared with all applicants for this award by the IIFET Secretariat via email soon after that date. The winners' name(s) will be printed in the conference program and announced during the conference. Please note that the award winner is required to attend the conference and present his/her own paper there.
The winner will receive USD $500 cash/check and an award certificate at an award ceremony at IIFET 2024 Penang. Attendance of the ceremony is mandatory in order to receive the award.
Participant support in the amount of up to USD $2,000 will be provided by the IIFET Secretariat (funded by US NOAA Fisheries). IIFET can provide you with an air ticket through our travel agent, pay for your lodging, and/or reimburse you for food and other related allowable participant expenses, up to USD $2,000. In addition to the participant support of up to USD $2,000, the Best Student Paper Award winner will receive free conference registration (this will provide some meals). You will need to comply with the travel procedures of Oregon State University; certain limits will apply. IIFET Executive Director Kat Goetting will provide further detailed information to the winner.
Note: Any expenses in excess of USD $2,000 must be covered by the award winner or their institution.
The Selection Committee may, if appropriate, elect to award honorable mentions. Honorable mention winners will receive a certificate at the award ceremony during the conference. No financial award or participant support is associated with an honorable mention.
Award-winning authors, like all authors presenting work at IIFET conferences, are highly encouraged to submit their papers for inclusion in the online conference proceedings, following the conference. However, if the paper has been, or will be, submitted to a journal or other publication which would consider the papers inclusion in conference proceedings to constitute “prior publication”, authors may choose not to submit the full paper; they may submit a shortened version or an extended abstract instead. Authors are encouraged to discuss their options with [email protected].