Special Sessions proposals for IIFET 2024 Penang are being accepted until 30 October 2023! We are hoping for a broad mix of topics related to the conference themes (see below), or other issues related to the economics of fisheries, seafood, and aquaculture.
To propose a Special Session, go to the Special Session submission page. See below for more detailed instructions. Special Session submission closes 30 October 2023.
There are three (3) types of sessions.
Open Session: An Open Session will allow anyone to submit a paper to that session. The Session Organizer will choose which accepted abstracts will be in his/her Session.
Closed Session: A Closed Session is one where the Session Organizer pre-selects only certain authors to present papers in the session.
Panel Discussion: In a Panel Discussion, selected participants will lead a discussion of a theme or topic of interest/controversy. Session proposers will be responsible for panel selection, short bios of panelists, and moderating the session. Beyond the special session proposal, no individual abstracts are required.
The proposer of any accepted Open Special Session will be responsible for review of abstracts submitted to their session. The conference organizers may also refer relevant early bird abstracts to special session organizers if they fall within the proposed topic.
Conference Themes
* The Economics of Food and Nutrition Security
* Ocean Equity and Inclusion – Distributional Justice
* Governing for Resilience in Aquatic Food System
* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Trade Futures
*Proposals for topics related to our 4 themes are very welcome. We will also consider proposals for any topic of interest to an IIFET audience. Past IIFET topics have included:
Fisheries Management, Policy and Regulations, including Ecosystem-based Management and Marine Spatial Planning
Bioeconomic Modeling
Aquaculture Economics and Markets
Seafood Trade and Consumer Behavior
International Trade, Agreements, Barriers, and Conflicts
The Gender Dimension of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Contributions of Fisheries and Aquaculture to Nutrition, Food Security, and Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries
Value Chains in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Topics of special interest for the local industry may also include:
Shellfish Production and Markets
Quota Management
Seafood Processing and Value Addition
Conditions of Access to the EEZ of Third Countries
Social Transformations of the Fishing Industry
Seafood Connectivity between Local and Global Markets
Please email [email protected] if you have issues submitting your Special Session proposal.