Food systems sustainability, the rise of the ‘blue economy’, a global reckoning with rising economic and social inequalities, climate crisis and the impacts of COVID-19 are major issues that intersect and bear on fisheries and aquaculture economics and trade. It is just six years before humanity is due to meet a set of ambitious UN Sustainable Development Goals, to which the aquatic food sector makes important contributions. To focus the attention of IIFET on this nexus and on progress towards sustainability, as a contribution to SDG14 ‘Life Under Water’, the 21st biennial IIFET conference theme will be Aquatic Food Systems in the Blue Economy

In addition to sessions proposed by IIFET members and sessions that reflect key research arenas of IIFET members (e.g., productivity, technological efficiency, governance, gender analysis, policy analysis, trade and market dynamics), IIFET 2024 Penang will feature four novel sub-themes to offer the conference attendees a unique space for sharing of ideas and dialog at the cutting edge of sustainable and equitable economic development through the lens of aquatic foods.

  • The Economics of Food and Nutrition Security
  • Ocean Equity and Inclusion - Distributional Justice
  • Governing for Resilience in Aquatic Food Systems
  • Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Trade Futures