2023-2024 Supporters
Bonito ($1 - $99)
David Fluharty: In Memory of Professor Lee Anderson
Sharon Hutchinson: In Honour of Sherry Larkin and Rashid Sumaila
Rosemary Kosaka: In Memory of Lee Anderson
Alistair Mcilgorm: In Memory of Lee Anderson
Gordon Munro
Felipe J. Quezada
Albacore ($100 - $499)
Peder Andersen
Kat Goetting: In Memory of Lee Anderson
Dan Holland: In Memory of Lee Anderson
Dan Lew
Yellowfin ($500 - $999)
Juan Carlos Seijo: In Memory of Lee Anderson
Frank Asche
Marty Smith
James Wilen
Bigeye ($1,000 - $4,999)
Anonymous: In Memory of Lee Anderson
IFREMER (Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer)
Ann Shriver & Larry Lev: In Memory of Lee Anderson
Bluefin ($5,000 +)
Sheila B. Anderson: In Loving Memory of Lee G. Anderson and his mentor James Crutchfield