We are excited to invite you to submit abstracts for papers or posters at IIFET 2024 Penang! We are hoping for a broad mix of topics related to the conference themes (see below), or other issues related to the economics of fisheries, seafood, and aquaculture.
To submit an abstract, go to the Abstract Submissions page.
Deadline for submission is 29 Feb 2024!
Conference Themes
The Economics of Food and Nutrition Security
Ocean Equity and Inclusion – Distributional Justice
Governing for Resilience in Aquatic Food System
Fisheries; Aquaculture and Trade Futures
Open Special Sessions - the topics will be decided later based on submissions accepted by the Scientific Committees
General IIFET Themes
Fisheries Management; Policy and Regulations; including Ecosystem-based Management and Marine Spatial Planning
Bioeconomic Modeling
Aquaculture Economics and Markets
Seafood Trade and Consumer Behavior International Trade; Agreements; Barriers and Conflicts
The Gender Dimension of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Contributions of Fisheries and Aquaculture to Nutrition; Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries
Value Chains in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Shellfish Production and Markets Quota Management
Seafood Processing and Value Addition
Conditions of Access to the EEZ of Third Countries
Social Transformations of the Fishing Industry Seafood Connectivity between Local and Global Markets
Open Special Session: Gendered coping and adaptation to fish resource and market variability
Open Special Session: Operationalizing a Wellbeing Economy in Fisheries
Open Special Session: Economics of MPAs
Open Special Session: Future of small-scale fisheries by increasing competition for space and changes in species distribution in coastal waters
Open Special Session: Innovative Analytical Intelligence and Big Data for Fisheries Economics
Open Special Session: Unpacking the resilience of aquaculture systems to livelihood shocks: impact mechanisms and intervention options to enhance adaptive capacity
Open Special Session: Measuring fisheries related ecosystem services for ecosystem accounting
Open Special Session: Fresh Catch Auctions as a Value Addition Mechanism
Open Special Session: Governing Blue Transitions
Open Special Session: One Food System: Aquaculture Embedded in Wider Agri-Food Production
Closed Special Session: The economics of regenerative aquaculture
Closed Special Session: Striking a Balance: The Various Contributions of Fish and Fisheries to National Food
Closed Special Session: Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The Contributions of Small-Scale Fisheries to Sustainable Development
Closed Special Session: The economic worlds of dried fish