Bonito ($1 - $99)
Anonymous (2020)
Chuck Adams (2020)
Dr. Colin Barnes: IN memory of Dr. Ian Payne (MRAG, London) (2025)
Ralf Doering (2025)
Phil Logan: In Memory of Professor John Gates (2020)
Alistair Mcilgorm: In Memory of Lee Anderson (2024)
Gordon Munro (2021, 2022)
Felipe Quezada (2020)
Albacore ($100 - $499)
Anonymous: In Honour of Professor Marty Smith (2021, 2022)
Anonymous: In Honour of Professor James Wilen (2021, 2022)
Anonymous (2022)
Anonymous (2025)
Josh Abbott (2020)
Peder Andersen (2020 - 2025)
Frank Asche (2020)
Håkan Eggert: In Honour of Tony Scott (2020)
David Fluharty (2022)
Rolf Groeneveld (2020)
Øystein Hermansen (2020)
Dan Holland (2020)
Jorge Holzer (2020)
Sunny Jardine (2020, 2021)
Gunnar Knapp: In Honour of Ann Shriver (2020)
Sherry Larkin (2020, 2022)
Audun Lem (2021)
Dan Lew (2020)
Doug Lipton (2020)
Gordon Munro: In Memory of Colin Clark (2024)
Minling Pan: In Memory of Dr. Jenny Sun (2020)
Martin Quaas (2020)
Cathy Roheim (2020, 2021, 2024)
Andrew Scheld (2020)
Marty Smith (2022)
Rashid Sumaila (2020)
Jon Sutinen (2020)
Ralph Townsend: In Memory of Dr. Lee Anderson (2024)
Hiro Uchida (2020, 2021, 2022, 2024)
Tracy Yandle and Erik Droutman (2020)
Yellowfin ($500 - $999)
Anonymous: In Honour of Dick Johnston (2020)
Jim Anderson (2020)
Frank Asche (2024)
Dick Johnston: In Honour of Ann Shriver (2020)
Rebecca Lent (2022)
Juan Carlos Seijo (2020-2021, 2023)
Juan Carlos Seijo: In Memory of Dr. Lee G. Anderson (2024)
Ann Shriver: In Honour of Dick Johnston (2020)
Marty Smith (2020, 2021)
Ralph Townsend (2020, 2021)
James Wilen (2020 - 2024)
Bigeye ($1,000 - $4,999)
Anonymous (2024)
Anonymous: In Memory of Lee Anderson (2024)
Anonymous: In Memory of Professor James Crutchfield (2020-2023)
IFREMER (Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer) (2020, 2022-2023)
Dick & Nancy Johnston (2021, 2024)
George Kailis (2020)
Gunnar Knapp: In Honour of Norm Van Vactor (2021)
Ann Shriver: In Memory of Jenny Sun (2021)
Ann Shriver & Larry Lev (2022-2023, 2025)
Ann Shriver & Larry Lev: In Memory of Lee Anderson (2024)
Marty Smith (2025)
Bluefin ($5,000+)
Lee Anderson (2020-2023)
Sheila B. Anderson: In Loving Memory of Lee G. Anderson and his mentor James Crutchfield (2024)
MG Kailis Group (2021)