2018 - Best Aquaculture Economics Paper Award

Winner: Abu Hayat Mohammad Saiful Islam (Bangladesh Agricultural University) 

Impact of integrated aquaculture-agriculture value chain participation on welfare of marginalized Indigenous households in Bangladesh: A panel data analysis

Honourable Mention: Yutaro Sakai (Arizona State University, USA), with Hiroki Wakamatsu and Tsutom Miyata (Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency)

Manageable risks and the demand for food products: The case of oyster


Winner: Martin Smith (Duke University, USA), with Carolyn Fischer (Resources for the Future), and Atle Guttormsen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) 

Disease risk and market structure in salmon aquaculture 

This paper has been published with the following citation:
Fischer C, Guttormsen AG, and Smith MD. Disease Risk and Market Structure in Salmon Aquaculture. Water Economics and Policy. 3(2):1650015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S2382624X16500156
Many thanks to the journal Water Economics and Policy for making this prize-winning paper freely downloadable here.

Honourable Mention: Kristin Roll (University of Stavanger, Norway) 

Insurance and moral hazard in salmon aquaculture


Winner: Jay Abolofia (University of California, Davis, USA), with Frank Asche (University of Stavanger), James Wilen (University of California, Davis), and Atle Guttormsen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)

Putting a price on lice: Quantifying the biological and economic impacts of sea lice on farmed Salmonids

Honourable Mention: Peggy Schrobback (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) 

Economic capacity and capacity utilisation of Queensland's Sydney Rock Oyster industry